Things in Squares has a really wide niche. Sometimes I do cute stuff. Sometimes I do comics that are difficult to understand. Sometimes they’re nothing if not totally absurd. My point is that I haven’t really found a narrowed niche. If there’s one thing I’ve seen across the internet, and not only in comics but in everything, it’s that in order to increase a following and readership, those people need to know what sort of thing to expect.
So now I’d like to do something incredibly nichy. Something that’s really easy to digest. I want to turn people’s dreams into comics.
The idea of illustrating user submissions to create comics isn’t new. Some amazing comics that do this include The Awkward Yeti’s Medical Tales Retold, Deep Dark Fears and Zen Pencils (all of which I enjoy reading).
I will call this new series Once I Dreamed. The format will be 4-panels (maybe 6 if the idea is really good), not unlike the format of Deep Dark Fears, which takes readers’ input on the things that frighten them most and creates beautiful artwork.
In creating comics from dreams, I hope to be able to broaden the imaginative landscapes that we see. I love googling sci-fi worlds, and looking at artwork that comes from the other-worldly imagination of a person. There are infinite possibilities when it comes to dreams, because we don’t have to follow the laws of science. And dreams can tell us so much. I feel that the kinds of comics I can make out of these dreams will not only be interesting to look at, but perhaps thought-provoking as well. This will also give an out for anyone who has images of REM sleep in their minds, and wants to see it processed through my creative process.
Once I Dreamed has it’s own section on the website, where you can find a page for submitting dreams. The gag comic will continue of course. Things in Squares is now more like terminal, playing host to the different comics that are gradually taking flight.
So I hope this idea gathers pace, because I have already received a dozen dreams, and reading them is half the fun.
Here is the first dream turned into a comic!