Dress the part

Ever since he was a little boy, Jim has wanted to be the real McCoy. So he set his sights on business fame, shunning anyone who he thought was lame. He surrounded himself with narcissistic buffoons, egos puffed up like great balloons. He invested everything that he had saved, into top of the line clothes that were all the rave. His motto was to dress the part, because image is where you get your start. He told every single person he met, his philosophy about the success he was sure to get. When he'd finished explaining to the latest dude, the customer said, 'fine, what about my food?' Turns out Jim dressed well to make a point, but worked the 9 to 5 at the local MackDonald's joint. So let this be a lesson to readers here, to dress the part if they will, but keep it real all year


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