Sellers market

A couple looks up and all around,
And remarks how airy it feels,
The realtor smiles and continues the tour,
Confident in her high heels.
What's that door ask the couple in sync,
Oh that's just the cellar I think.
She opens the door and the couple look in,
What's that down there?
She starts to sweat and tugs at her dress suit,
Erm, it's nothing, it's bare.
The couple squint and sunndely see,
That it's a tiny pile of chips, growing rather green.
The couple storm out of the tour enraged,
Saying screw this and fuck it,
This isn't why they got engaged,
To get stuck in a seller's market.
They march off leaving the realator sighing,
In the door of the bag of chips, 
So airy that no one's buying.


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